810 49 5237 8989011810 49 5237 8989... — показать

alphacaps GmbH

810 49 5237 8989011810 49 5237 8989... — показать
+49 5237 89...+49 5237 8989011 ещё
Россия, Приморский край, Ольгинский р-н, п Нордост, д 1, кв 5
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Про «alphacaps GmbH»

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alphacaps produces dietary additives in form of capsules tablets and powder. The pharmaceutical form that suits best for your product, is determined by the necessary dosage and the raw materials used in most cases.

We are cooperating with powerful partners who are able to manufacture also liquid products or bar.

- Beverage powder
- Capsule filling services
- Instant beverages
- Tableting services
- Manufacturing of effervescent tablets

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